A Series "Rockmaster"
pumps are economical 30
or 40 cubic yard per hour concrete pumps, capable
of pumping harsh pea
gravel mixes , blend mixes, low volume shotcrete , "high early state concrete mixes" even "big rock" concrete.
A Series Pumps offer the best value on the market today
for their horsepower, pressure, and volume for the dollar.
B Series
concrete pumps have outputs from 20
to 70 cubic yards per hour. Commonly used for pumping concrete "line pumping", shotcrete,refractory spraying compaction grouting, pressure grouting and pumping cfa piles (continuous flight auger piling). These pumps feature
Cummins Diesel Engines, Variable Displacement Hydraulic
Pumps, heavy-duty "S-Valves", "Open-Loop" hydraulic
systems, REED Programmable Logic Controller Cycling
and the strongest trailer in the industry.
C Series
concrete pumps have outputs from 50
to 90 cubic yards per hour. These Ultra High-Performance
Pumps are used for the most extreme
concrete pumping, vertical pumping up to 45 storeys, compaction grouting, pressure grouting, pumping cfa piles (continuous flight auger piling),tunnel construction , structural wall construction, parking garage construction , concrete wall construction ,concrete dome and storage tank construction ,and the world's highest-volume shotcrete projects. They feature
smooth-running "Closed-Loop" Hydraulic Systems,
6-cylinder Cummins Diesel Engines (160-220hp), High
Concrete Pressures (up to 2000 psi), REED Programmable
Logic Controller, twin-axles, twin-shift cylinders,
heavy-duty "S-Valves", reinforced High-Pressure
Hoppers (C50S and C50SS) , and Harsh-Mix Hoppers
(C70S, C70SS and C90S).
G Series trailer (or skid)
mounted concrete pumps are based on our heavy-duty B Series concrete pumps.
G Series pumps are powered by a Ford 6.2L V8 Gasoline Engine. These pumps are much more economical, simple, and lightweight than the standard B Series diesel driven pumps. G Series Pumps do not require DEF fluid, complicated exhast systems, or many of the sensors that are on B Series Pumps.
T Series truck
mounted concrete pumps are based on our A, B, C & G Series concrete pumps.
They are powered by the pump's own diesel engine. T Series pumps can
be mounted on a wide variety of readily available truck chassis.
Mini Concrete Pump (Mine30). For customers who need an extremely compact (only 96" long) skid mounted electric driven concrete/shotcrete pump the Mine30 is a great choice. Available with a wide variety of electrical configurations. |

A Series

B Series

C Series

G Series

T Series
Mini Pumps

Track Mounted Pumps
How does
a REED Concrete Pump work? |